Friday, July 4, 2014

Halloween Party

Frank and Joe were the best of friends. They grew up together, lived next door to one another and now shared a dorm together in College. Frank liked comics, and Joe wasn’t the fondest of them but the one they could both agree on was Batman. Since it was Halloween and they’d both been invited to a costume party that’s what they decided to go as, Batman and Robin. They went to a costume store ran by some fat guy who made most of the costumes he sold himself. After selling them the costumes, the guy told them to be careful wearing those, Batman and Robin are fags. They both ignored the guy, since what did he know, he’d probably never read an issue before in his life.

The two guys returned to their dorm to get changed. But something weird happened after they got changed and saw each other in their superhero outfits. They were suddenly filled with inescapable sexual desire for one another. And that’s how they ended up spending their night, half dressed in their costumes and fucking one another all night long. And even after they took off the costumes, they remained and always would remain sex-obsessed fags. The fat store man tried to warn them.

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